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  • Career Education Office
  • Professional Experience
  • Summer Job Resources
  • Summer Job Resources

    There are various methods to use to locate seasonal or short term jobs, which can be somewhat limited in number. For the summer, it's best to start looking around spring break, as it can take a few months to find an opportunity. The CEO maintains listings of campus, local, and out-of-state summer jobs and summer camp opportunities on our website and through Handshake.

    Related Documents

    Employers connected to specific majors

    • Biology, Chemistry, Physics - national parks, research labs, greenhouses, farms, chemical companies
    • Dance, Theatre, Music, Art - museums, galleries, photography studios, music stores, community theatres
    • Economics, Management, Mathematics - accounting firms, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, marketing firms
    • Education, Psychology, Sociology - mental health facilities, summer camps, government agencies
    • English or Communications - publishers, advertising or marketing agencies, newspapers, bookstores
    • Political Science or History - law firms, archives, historical societies, government agencies

    Additionally, keep in mind the following seasonal employment opportunities.

    • Camps
    • Summer Recreation - pools, amusements parks, resorts
    • Retail
    • Hospitality/Food Service
    • Caregiving

    To get assistance in locating a summer job, please visit the CEO to schedule an appointment with a staff member. We can talk with you about your options and help you to prepare a resume, if needed. In addition, please take a look at the following information for further information about summer job opportunities.


    General summer job sites

    Backdoor Jobs
    Find adventure jobs, internships, seasonal jobs, volunteer experiences, and opportunities abroad.

    Cool Summer Jobs
    Offers job listings in camps, parks and recreation, resorts, and more.

    Find a summer job as a camp counselor or at ski resorts, ranches, theme parks, tour companies and more.
    Utilize this top source for locating hourly employment.

    Summer Jobs
    Search for summer positions as well as international job opportunities.

    Use the keyword "Summer Job" in your search.

    Camps, education, & child care

    American Camp Association
    Offers information for individuals looking to work as counselors, administrators, and in food services and facilities management at camps over the summer or year-round. Provides resources for international camp jobs, careers in this field, job fairs, and conferences.
    Generates a listings of care provider positions, including tutoring, pet-sitting, and babysitting jobs.

    Civic Education Project
    The Civic Education Project (which offers a summer leadership and citizenship program to students from 7th-12th grade) hires dozens of exceptional instructional, residential and administrative staff to help run their programs each year. Positions range from weekend to weeklong sessions during the school year and one-week to eight-week sessions during the summer, and are located in cities across the country.

    My Summers
    Provides a referral service for individuals interested in working at a summer camp. At no cost, applicants can subscribe to My Summers and be referred to different camp opportunities.

    Summer Camp Staff
    Lists jobs at summer camps and wilderness programs in the U.S. and Canada


    Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP)
    Connects current college students with federal agencies in four different internship and fellowship capacities.
    Provides students with a gateway to the U.S. government, including student job information.

    Outdoors/National Parks

    National Park Service
    Hires approximately 10,000 temporary and seasonal employees annually. While temporary positions are available in a range of career fields, most jobs available are in the following categories: Visitor Use Assistants, Park Guides, Biological Science Technicians, Park Rangers, and Seasonal Maintenance Positions.

    Outdoor Network
    Offers access to part-time, seasonal, and full-time job listings for those who want to work in great outdoor settings.

    Student Conservation Association
    Provides college and high school-aged individuals with hands-on conservation service opportunities in virtually every field imaginable, including animal tracking, trail restoration and maintenance, and teaching environmental education.

    Short term work abroad

    Offers a variety of short-term summer camp, work and volunteer abroad programs.

    Gap Year
    Provides a variety of international opportunities, including summer camps and volunteer programs.

    One World 365
    Find short term, seasonal and full time jobs abroad in 50+ destinations worldwide perfect for students, graduates, couples and anyone seeking a fresh start or career abroad.




    The Career Education Office (CEO) at Goucher College abides by the principles set forth by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) and expects that employers who use the Center's services will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, sex, age, disability, or genetic information. All employment listings on the CEO platform are posted at the sole discretion of the Career Education Office.

    The CEO is not responsible for the content of any linked site; the CEO provides these links only as a convenience and assumes no liability for acts or omissions by third parties or for any material supplied by them. Goucher is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of off-campus employment. It is the responsibility of students to research the integrity and safety of the organizations to which they are applying. Students are advised to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization and reach out to the CEO if they have concerns or questions.